Custom Digital Signs For Retail Stores: Perfect For Your Upcoming Sales Promotion


If you're planning an upcoming sales promotion at your retail store, custom digital signs are perfect for encouraging shoppers to take advantage of your special offers. Digital signs have several advantages over static signs; they are easily designed and can be customized to fit your business's specific needs. Read on to learn more about the benefits of custom digital signs for retail stores in your sales promotions:

1. Pull Foot Traffic and Increase In-Store Dwell Time

Digital signage systems help grab more attention by showcasing fresh content on moving images. They attract a large number of customers and also help to keep them around longer. With custom visuals, you can program personalized content and messaging to match each day's sales and promotions. Keep your customers engaged at every step of their visit and increase basket size with up-to-date details on special offers, deals, and discounts.

2. Push Purchasing Decisions by Providing Context

Context is key. When you're in a store and can't decide which product to buy, you look around and notice similar products or displays. The same principle applies to choosing where to go out to eat. 

An effective way of pushing purchasing decisions is providing context—such as mentioning items that have sold well at other retailers or relating products with what's currently trending on social media. Custom digital signs excel in this task. 

3. Boost Brand Credibility and Trust

Social media gives consumers much more power and freedom in interacting with brands. Engaging your customers through custom digital signage makes them feel valued. It can even encourage them to help promote you by liking, sharing, and commenting on specific products or promotions on their own social media pages. 

You can then use this user-generated content in custom digital signs for retail stores for higher authenticity. It builds your brand's credibility and trust. 

4. Deploy Interactive Customer Service Boards

Most people want a personalized experience when they shop—and that's what they get with interactive customer service boards. Customers who use these boards can enter information such as product price queries and get instant responses. It eases the length of your customer service queues and improves customer satisfaction. 

5. Higher Engagement With Infotainment Content

Customers are more likely to return to stores that have elements of entertainment and fun, especially if they are valuable resources in some way. Engaging content can include promos, documentaries, product demo videos, and customer testimonials. This content draws attention and keeps visitors in your store for longer.

Are you wondering how to pull customers and push sales in your upcoming sales promotion? Contact a signs designer like A Precise Sign to explore how custom digital signs for retail stores can work for you.  


9 May 2022

Never Underestimate the Importance of Good Business Signs

When I started my first business, I had taken a few business classes in college, but I still had a lot to learn. I had a good product to sell, but at first, sales were very slow. I wasn't sure just how to drum up business, and I didn't have money left in my budget to invest in a big marketing campaign. I was very lucky that local marketing professional stopped into my business, and although I couldn't afford to hire him, he did give me one free important tip: invest in better signage! Since signs are relatively affordable, I took his advice and traded in my old banner for a quality professionally designed sign. Foot traffic and sales increased rapidly. I learned a lot during the sign design process that I want to share on my new blog to help other small business owners out there who are struggling!